
Understanding Google Reviews

Before understanding what the Google Review Rating Calculator is all about, let’s first establish the significance of Google reviews. Are these worth your business time and resources?

The answer is a resounding yes. If you look at a sample Google Business Profile, the customers’ star ratings and reviews are on top.

Similarly, businesses with high ratings are usually at the top of the local search results. These only mean that users see your reviews and ratings before your entire business profile.

So, it’s no surprise for recent statistics to note that 87% of consumers check Google reviews when searching for local businesses. The report also shows that customer reviews are especially vital for service businesses, including trade, automotive, and health care.

We can simplify this concept further by putting yourself in the shoes of a customer. After reading a positive Google review about a business or seeing its high star ratings, there is a higher chance for you to click, read, and buy.

The happier the customers, the more positive reviews you get. In turn, Google reviews help you create a trustworthy brand, boost your online presence, and influence customer purchasing decisions.

All these eventually translate to higher credibility, better SEO rankings, and increased revenue.

Of course, the opposite happens if you get a lot of negative reviews or lack high ratings.

Sample Customer Ratings in Local Google Search Results

What is a Google Review Calculator?

The lack of raving Google reviews can drive customers away and make them look at your competitors. We don’t want that.

We would rather know your current standing and make effective changes to improve it. Google Review Calculator can help you with these.

Generally, this tool lets you know the number of positive reviews you need to reach your desired average rating.

You can get your results quickly using the Google Review Calculator we created above. However, to ensure you are inputting the correct numerical data, here are the parameters you need to know:

  • Current Average Rating: This value is your total star ratings divided by the current number of reviews. If you have three reviews with 5-, 4-, and 3-star ratings, that means (5+4+3)/3 gives you an average rating of 4.
  • Total Number of Current Reviews: This number represents how many reviews your business has. You can find this next to your star ratings on your profile.
  • Desired Average Rating: This number is the rating you want to achieve. For example, if your current average rating is 4, you can set your target to 4.5. Do note that your desired rating depends on feasible business outcomes.

Once you input all the necessary numbers, the Google Review Calculator gives you how many 5-star reviews you need to meet your target average rating.

Using our example, an average rating of 4 and a target of 4.5 will require at least three 5-star reviews to reach your desired rating.

What is the ideal average rating? Based on research by a company called BrightLocal, the businesses on the first page have an average star rating of 4.42. So, 4.4 is the minimum target to achieve the ideal average rating.

Keep in mind that the tool can only give you mathematical guidance. Boosting your ratings would still depend on the services delivered and the review-generating strategies implemented.

The Role of a Google Review Calculator in Business Strategy

One of the best features of using the Google Review Rating Calculator is its adaptability.

Big or small businesses from various industries can use this tool to analyse and improve their current online reputation.

Here are a several real-world applications:

  • New business operations: Start-ups can use the calculator to analyse their initial customer review figures and set new targets for continuous customer satisfaction and appeal.
  • Service businesses with in-store operations: Local businesses, particularly those with brick-and-mortar stores, can use the calculator to enhance their ratings and boost foot traffic. They can review online feedback and use it as a reference when enhancing customer service or personally asking visitors to give good testimonials. You can learn more about this from our previous article on boosting local SEO through Google Reviews.
  • E-commerce operations: Start-up and established online retailers can use the calculator to evaluate seller and buyer ratings to improve their reputation and visibility.

Man Reading a Positive Review of a Store

Improving Your Score: Tips and Strategies

Your response to Google Review Calculator data should depend on your business environment, industry type, and competition level. There are no fixed or single solutions that apply to all.

Still, there are general strategies you can implement to improve your Google Review scores and encourage more positive reviews.

1. Prioritise Customer Service with Your Entire Staff

Make your customer service strategy a team effort. Train your employees or sales team on how to manage concerns or inquiries.

Express and explain the value of getting positive reviews to them. If you like, recognise or reward staff members who help your business meet its monthly or yearly target ratings.

More importantly, treat your employees like partners or colleagues. A happy work environment is a crucial ingredient to top-notch customer service delivery.

2. Employ Ways to Ask for Reviews

A customer may have had a good business experience with you but not too driven to leave a review. This type of customer is more likely to give good feedback when asked, so do not hesitate.

For brick-and-mortar establishment owners, you may ask your staff to distribute quick feedback forms for frequent clients to answer.

Ask for permission before sharing their reviews and glowing write-ups online. Also, ensure the whole asking-for-review process does not feel forced or pushy.

You can also use these forms to stay in touch with your loyal customers and send them personalised messages that offer value.

On the other hand, online-based businesses can use their website to ask for reviews.

For example, you can use social media channels to engage with potential and loyal clients. Use the comment section to post a review link, making it easy for them to send a Google review.

You can also add the same link to your site so visitors can quickly click and send. A pop-up asking for customer reviews may also work.

Remember to choose a method that’s easy and convenient for your target audience.

Gaining More 5-Star Ratings by Using the Google Review Calculator

3. Promptly Respond to Positive and Negative Reviews

It’s good to be responsive to customer reviews, good or bad, to show that you value every transaction. When replying, steer clear of giving run-of-the-mill or templated responses.

Make it more personalised and specific.

For example, instead of “Thank you, please leave us a review”, say “Could you tell us what you think about our chiropractic service here at the Sydney branch? We’d appreciate it!”

Use your replies as opportunities to incorporate keywords that Google and online users are searching for.

As for handling 1-star reviews, remember to stay calm, professional, and polite. Handle and fix the problem as fast as possible.

Try asking the now-satisfied customer to consider updating the review when you feel the timing is right. Hopefully, you do not have to ask.

Don’t be afraid to reply to a bad review. Future customers would appreciate reading your immediate response and action.

Integrating the Calculator into a Wider SEO and Reputation Management Strategy

While using the Google Review Calculator is excellent for your business reputation, combining it with your SEO efforts can improve your online presence further.

The fusion of SEO and reputation management allows you to highlight the good things about your brand and services while minimising the impact of bad reviews.

Here are some tips and recommended approaches to make this strategic integration work for your business:

  • Utilise review management tools and software that can help you monitor your brand image, online visibility, social media comments, and reviews. Choose an automated program that gathers customer data and provides actionable insights to fine-tune your SEO and review management efforts.
  • Keep your Google Business Profile accurate and updated. Also, maintain your website through regular auditing. Check its speed and mobile-friendliness, too. These SEO efforts ensure your customers get the best experience, minimising negative reviews and bounce rates.
  • Develop a content plan that caters to your target audience and emphasises your strengths and accomplishments. For example, you can create a dedicated page featuring customer feedback and experiences. Make use of relevant keywords to boost presence and searchability. This strategy helps in establishing trust with potential customers, too.
  • Encourage user-generated content to help spread the word about your company while highlighting its good points. For instance, you can partner with an influencer, feature mentions of your brand, introduce a brand-specific slogan or hashtag and start a social media contest.
  • Publish an engaging About Us page by highlighting the people behind your brand. Mention your company’s values, mission, or work methods to cultivate a positive business image.

Woman Holding a Phone Showing Positive Comments and Emojis


Customer reviews are an integral part of your reputation and SEO success.

With tools like the Google Review Calculator, it’s now possible to objectively analyse the public’s perception of your business.

More importantly, it lets you determine the number of positive reviews you still need to reach your target rating or improve your current standing.

The results should lead you to strategies that can generate a steady stream of positive reviews for your business.

However, don’t limit your efforts to prioritising customer service, sending review requests, or answering positive and bad feedback.

Fuse your review and reputation management system with other SEO strategies and digital marketing tools.

Follow the formula – use the Google Review Calculator, generate more reviews, and have a holistic SEO plan for optimum results.

Send us an email at if you need a custom plan to get more reviews for your business.